
Program description for Philosophy Doctorate PhD of Materials engineering

    PhD of Materials engineering program aims to provide the academic and industrial fields with researchers have ability and knowledge to find solutions for engineering problems in various engineering applications such as wastewater treatment, corrosion protection, biomaterials, ceramic for construction materials, composite materials for airplane and semiconductor materials.

    PhD of Materials engineering program had opened since academic year 2005-2006. This program consisted of three years: first year involved two semesters with 26 credits. The students must be passed the courses with general average at least 70% then they will be able to begin the second year with the research of dissertation which had 32 credits. So the total credits of PhD Materials engineering 62 credits. This program accepted students who had BSc and MSc of Materials engineering. The general average at least70% for general admission and private admission. The applicants must be filled the application form online based on the deadline of ministry of higher education and scientific research. The applicants must pass the competition examination to be accepted in PhD Materials engineering program.



Program description for Master science MSC of Materials engineering

    MSc of Materials engineering program aims to provide the academic and industrial fields with researchers have ability to find solutions for engineering problems in various engineering applications such as wastewater treatment, corrosion protection, biomaterials, ceramic for construction materials, composite materials for airplane and semiconductor materials.

    MSc of Materials engineering program had opened since academic year 2002-2003. This program consisted of two years: first year involved two semesters with 26 credits. The students must be passed the courses with general average at least 70% then they will be able to begin the second year with the research of thesis which had 12 credits. So the total credits of MSc materials engineering 36 credits. This program accepted students who had Bachelor of Materials engineering with general average at least 65% for general admission and 60% for private admission. The applicants must be filled the application form online based on the deadline of ministry of higher education and scientific research. The applicants must pass the competition examination to be accepted in MSc materials engineering program.

دورة (الية عمل وكيفية احتساب العلاوات والترفيعات)


تأييد المشاركة للدورة الموسومة

((الية عمل وكيفية احتساب العلاوات والترفيعات))

برعاية السيد رئيس الجامعة التكنولوجية (أ.د. احمد حسن الغبان) المحترم

وبإشراف السيد رئيس قسم هندسة المواد (أ. د. جواد كاظم عليوي) المحترم


أقام قسم هندسة المواد دورة لمنتسبي القسم بعنوان (الية عمل وكيفية احتساب العلاوات والترفيعات) ضمن سياق عمل شعبة الموارد البشرية والتي القاها المحاضرين المدرجة أسمائهم ادناه في قسمنا وذلك يوم في الساعة التاسعة صباحاً في قاعة الدكتوراه في البناية B يوم الاحد المصادف ٢٤/٣/٢٠٢٤.


  • أ.م.د. ليث وضاح / المعاون الإداري
  • م.ر.مهندسين حسناء فوزي حسن.
  • م.ر.احصائين شيماء يوسف محمود / مدير الإدارة.



ولتحميل تأييد المشاركة الخاص بالدورة 


      الوحدة القانونية              اللجان                شعبة الجودة              الترقيات العلمية             اتصل بنا
