Tuesday, 27 August 2024 13:35

The Department of Materials Engineering holds an awareness lecture

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The Materials Engineering Department held an awareness lecture entitled:

"Drugs and their harms"

It was on Wednesday, 18/5/ 2022, at 10:30 a.m. in the Graduate Studies Hall/Building B.

Asst.L.  Iman Kazem Hamza lectured in the presence of the  head of the department and a number of the department’s teaching staff, employees, and students. The lecture included identifying drugs, what their types are, and what their symptoms and risks are when using and becoming addicted to them, what are the methods of treatment and prevention, and ways to combat and eliminate it .

At the end of the lecture, the head of the department praised the distinguished efforts made in preparing and delivering the lecture and appreciated her efforts with a certificate of appreciation.


Last modified on Tuesday, 27 August 2024 13:36