Saturday, 25 December 2021 11:49

Awarding PhD. Degree

As a part of the duties for the scientific committee in the department of the materials engineering, panel examiners of engineers’ staff have been formed to examine the PhD. dissertation related to the postgraduate student “Marwaan Abbas Madhloom”.
The formed panel examiners staff were head by the Professor Dr. Alaa Abd Al-Hussan attieya, with the other co-members of the examiners who are (Prof. Dr. Jasim Muhammed Salman, Prof. Dr. Emad Saady Abd- Al Kareem, Prof. Dr Jumaa Salman Jeyad, Associate Prof. Fadhil Abbass Hashim).
The dissertation which has been about "Study The Effect of Isothermal, Cold and Cryogenic Treatments on Monotonic and Cyclic Properties of Aluminum Alloy Type Al-Mg-Si" has been supervised by Professor Dr. Ali Hussien Attaiwei and co- advised by the associate Proff. Dr. Jamal Jallal Dawood. In addition, it was evaluated scientifically by the Professors Ali Sadiq Yaseer and Ayad Muraad Takhakh, and linguistically by associate lecture Hussam Hussien Ali.         
After deep discussion and lots of arguments made by the panel faced by big challenges from Madhloom to prove his point of view at some dark spots in his dissertation. The examination has been ended by scoring Madhloom a degree of “Passed”, and awarding him a PhD degree at a condition to be acted to the examiners’ suggestion.
In an attendance style for all, the examination occurred in 15/12/2021, at the Department of the Materials Engineering.

Translated by: Dr. Arwa Faraj Tawfeeq; 24/12/2021

This research attempts to study the influence of annealing, precipitation hardening, and nitriding treatments on monotonic and repeated characteristics and microstructural inspections of AA6061. Quenching mediums are water, local freezer, dry ice, and liquid nitrogen. Ageing temperatures of (170, 200, and 230)°C are used for intervals of (2, 4, 6, 8, and 10) hours. Plasma nitriding treatment was performed on  alloy to enhance its hardness and wear opposition. The best ageing interval is (6) hours. Hardness, impact and fatigue resistance are improved after nitriding and quenching in liquid nitrogen.


Last modified on Saturday, 25 December 2021 11:50