On 15/11/2015, Ph.D. Dissertation has been discussed entitled "Fabrication and Characterization of Artificial Esophagus by Shape Memory Alloy" submitted by the Eng. Manar A.Najim which took place in postgraduate studies hall at Materials engineering department.
The dissertation was linguistically reviewed by Assistant Prof. Dr. Zuhair G. Abulameer and scientifically by Assistant Prof. Samer Ali Ameer.
The committee of discussion consisted of the following lecturers: 1- Prof. Dr. Fadhil A. Chyad, Materials Eng.-University of Technology, Head of the committee.
2- Prof. Dr. Nahi E. Easeen, Al-Mustansiriya University- Iraqi Center of Cancer Researches, Member.
3- Assistant Prof. Sadeq J. Abass, Al- Nahrain University- Department of Medical Eng., Member.
4- Assistant Prof. Dr. Sohama E. Saleh, Materials Eng.-University of Technology, Member.
5- Assistant Prof. Dr. Farhad M. Othman, Materials Eng.-University of Technology,, Member.
6- Assistant Prof. Dr. Akram R. Jabr, Materials Eng.-University of Technology, Supervisor.
7- Assistant Prof. Dr. Emad S. Abdulkareem, Materials Eng.-University of Technology, Supervisor.
8- Assistant Prof. Dr. Ahmed M. Hamza, Iraqi Center of Cancer Researches, Supervisor.
The committee awarded the student an excellent degree.
