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عن القسم الانكليزي

Registration requirements for primary students

The Regulations provided below apply to all channels of acceptance.

1- Required documents for registration and registration mechanism:
First: The student submits to the institution to which the following documents are submitted:
1- The origin of the preparatory study document approved by the General Directorate of Education in the province to the registration of the college or the assets of the other documents (according to the channel of acceptance) authentically authenticated on no later than 30/6/2018 and make a written commitment to this and otherwise cancel its acceptance.
2 – A guarantee on the basis of a form prepared by the Department of Legal Affairs at the university (provided that in the paragraphs of the article carries the student preservation of state property and not tampering with the contrary and bear the penalty for damage caused).
3 - A colored copy of the certificate of nationality and the identity of the Iraqi civil status or the National unified card.
4 – Three recent picture.
5. Medical examination form (according to the terms and conditions of health fitness):

A- student should not register if the application form is not submitted at all.
B- The original of the form must be submitted and a copy must not be received.
C- Note the result of the examination from the party directly nominated by the student and in case of non-suitability for the candidate's study, he shall immediately be sent to the central acceptance to amend his candidacy according to his health fitness.
D- The student has the right to appeal the examination result to the committee / appellate committee of the Ministry of Health through the candidate's candidate.
6- The students admitted in the evening study undertake that they have never been promoted by cheating or trying in it or the disciplinary sanctions.

 The mechanism of student registration:
1- The Central Admission Results shall be published on the official website of the Ministry. The announcement shall be considered as a formal notice to the College / Institute at the University to start registration of students. The next day of the announcement of the results on the website shall be the official day of registration. The applicant must be enrolled in the (college / institute) candidate for the student within (15) working days starting from the date of registration.
2- Students who have not been nominated for admission to the Central Admission Center for any reason are granted 10 working days from the date of showing the acceptance results of the objection and 10 working days from the issuance of their acceptance orders for the purposes of registration.

3- The applicant must be registered even if he has submitted an objection to his acceptance. If he is correct, his candidacy will be amended and the registration procedures will be taken according to his new nomination based on the Ministry's letter issued by the Department of Studies, Planning and Follow-up. With a copy of which shall be kept to complete the registration procedures in accordance with paragraph (1) above.

4 - The College / Institute, which has been modified the nomination / transfer of students (transfer of the sons of professors) to send the files of students modified their candidacy / transferred to the colleges and institutes that have been modified nomination / transfer them with an official letter and a record of delivery and receipt with a copy.

5 - The distribution of students who are nominated according to their qualifications and their results on the scientific sections, similar to their peers in the year of graduation and not the year to amend the nomination.

6- As for students applying for evening study in public universities or universities / private colleges (for morning and evening studies) or to study in the universities of the Kurdistan region:

A- student who has not completed the registration procedures:

The student can enroll in the evening / civil / regional study directly and can not return to his / her central acceptance or amend the nomination in the following year.

B - Registered Student:
1- The faculty (college / institute) in which the student has accepted the center and completed the registration procedures in the following:
B - 1 - A - registration of the enrollment of the student after the submission of support from the College / Institute, which is submitted for admission to it and installed the exam number.
B-1-B - Provide the party to whom the student submitted documents and an official letter and a record of delivery and receipt with a copy of it.
2 - The institution to which the student submits to complete the procedures for the validity of the issuance.
3- A student who has enrolled in the evening or private school or the universities of the Kurdistan Region shall not be permitted to return to study at the college / institute where he / she is accepted.

2- Delays, Rejection and Cancellation of Acceptance:
A) Delays and refusals:
1. The academic year shall be considered a year of postponement in the event that it is registered in the college / institute nominated for it after the end of the period specified in paragraph (g / 1 / 2_1) of this chapter until 1/2/2018

2. The academic year shall be considered a qualifying year for the student in case of registration, from 2/2/2018 to 30/6/2018.

3. If the student submits incorrect or falsified information or documents to the College / Institute, he / she shall write to the Ministry to cancel his acceptance, even if he is in advanced classes or graduated from the College or the Institute.

4. If the original document of the preparatory study is not approved by the General Directorate of Education in the province to register the college until 15/3/2018 for the students covered in paragraph (1 / II_1).

  • i f the student 's admission is wrong and is not in accordance with the instructions, conditions and conditions, the student must inform the college / institute at the university where he has accepted any error in his acceptance in order to be exempted from responsibility.
  • The number of students admitted within the first 10% of the schools is mentioned in the institutes and what is said about the students admitted within Special channel.
  • Do not approve personal requests for cancellation of admission and limited to the above except for the student wishing to open a file in the ministry / Department of Missions and Cultural Relations for the purpose of completing the study outside Iraq and before the completion of registration procedures.


3 - The regulations or exempting non-Iraqi students from tuition fees in foreign currency.
The exemption of non-Iraqi students admitted to colleges, universities and official institutes within the channels of public government acceptance of tuition fees in foreign currency, as follows:

1- The non-Iraqi student who is interested in admission to the Iraqi colleges, universities and institutes shall be subject to the same procedures as the Iraqi student.
2- If the results of the central acceptance or issuance of orders for acceptance in any of the channels of public government acceptance, the non-Iraqi student acceptable to review the status of the ministry (the expatriate division) since the acceptance is not final only after checking his condition and to determine the adequacy of the rules of exemption from wages In foreign currency as shown below.

3- Students residing in Iraq who are covered by the procedures for exemption from tuition fees in foreign currency are:

(A) Students who are permanent residents who were born in Iraq and who received the Iraqi secondary certificate.

B) Students whose residence in Iraq exceeds (20) years and all their qualifications from Iraq, provided that they are provided.

(C) Students who have permanent residence in Iraq and who have obtained the Iraqi secondary school certificate and whose relatives work in the State Departments.

4 - The student must accept the submission of documents (original and reproduced) that support the application of the above conditions with a letter of support from the college / institute at the university during the review of the ministry.

5- The student who meets the exemption rules shall be provided with an official letter from the center of the ministry addressed to the accepted university, which supports his exemption. Otherwise, his acceptance shall be canceled and the university shall inform the ministry.
6 - The student accepted in the evening study to expedite the payment of tuition fees in Iraqi dinar and within one week from the issuance of the book of exemption.
7- The exemption book shall be issued for one-time tuition fees and all study years for classes A and B. The exemption book shall be renewed in each academic year for category (C).

8- The student and the college or the institute shall be responsible for the non-review to the ministry's center within a maximum period of 60 days from the results of the acceptance. Otherwise, the student acceptance channel will be changed to admission to the special maintenance and pay tuition fees for previous years. And each academic year is considered exempt from tuition fees for the remaining years.
9 - Non-Iraqi students (residents) admitted to Private  universities / colleges are not covered by the exemption rules above





متطلبات التخرج لطلبة الدراسات العليا

طلبة الماجستير

  • اجتياز مرحلة المقررات بنجاح واكمال البحث العملي وتسليم رسالة الماجستير شرط ان لا تقل المدة الاصغرية لدراسة الماجستير عن (18) شهراً، يكون الطالب قد اجرى خلالها حلقتين دراسيتين على الاقل.
  • يقوم الطالب باجراء الاستلال لرسالة الماجستير ويجب ان لاتتجاوز نسبة الاستلال (20%).
  • يقوم طالب الماجستير بتسليم بحث مستل واحد على الاقل ويعد من متطلبات الحصول على الشهادة.
  • اجتياز مرحلة المناقشة والتي تكون بعد تسليم الرسالة مع قرص الى وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي / جهاز الاشراف والتقويم العلمي بفترة شهر على الاقل.
  • بعد المناقشة يقوم الطالب باجراء التعديلات المطلوبة من قبل لجنة المناقشة ان وجدت وتتم المتابعة مع عضو لجنة المناقشة المسؤول عن التعديلات وحسب الفترة الزمنية المقرة من قبل اللجنة .
  • بعد اكمال الطالب التعديلات المطلوبة واكمال التواقيع من قبل السادة المشرفين والسادة اعضاء لجنة المناقشة والسيد المعاون العلمي في القسم والسيد رئيس القسم، يقوم الطالب بعدها بسحب (4) نسخ مجلدة رسمية تسلم نسخة مع قرص الى مكتب المعاون العلمي ونسخة مع قرص الى المكتبة المركزية ونسختين مع قرصين الى مكتبة القسم .
  • يقوم الطالب بعدها باجراءات براءة الذمة لغرض عرض اكمال متطلبات نيل الشهاة على مجلس القسم لرفعها الى قسم الدراسات العليا للتوصية بمنحه شهادة الماجستير.


طلبة الدكتوراه

  • اجتياز مرحلة المقررات بنجاح والامتحان الشامل واكمال البحث العملي وتسليم اطروحة الدكتوراه شرط ان لا تقل المدة الاصغرية لدراسة الدكتوراه عن (30) شهراً, يكون الطالب قد اجرى خلالها (3) حلقات دراسية على الاقل .
  • يقوم الطالب باجراء الاستلال اطروحة الدكتوراه ويجب ان لاتتجاوز نسبة الاستلال (15%).
  • يقوم طالب الدكتوراه بتسليم بحثين مستلين على الاقل وتعد من متطلبات الحصول على الشهادة.
  • اجتياز مرحلة المناقشة والتي تكون بعد تسليم الاطروحة مع قرص الى وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي / جهاز الاشراف والتقويم العلمي بفترة شهر على الاقل.
  • بعد المناقشة يقوم الطالب باجراء التعديلات المطلوبة من قبل لجنة المناقشة ان وجدت وتتم المتابعة مع عضو لجنة المناقشة المسؤول عن التعديلات وحسب الفترة الزمنية المقرة من قبل اللجنة .
  • بعد اكمال الطالب التعديلات المطلوبة واكمال التواقيع من قبل السادة المشرفين والسادة اعضاء لجنة المناقشة والسيد المعاون العلمي في القسم والسيد رئيس القسم , يقوم الطالب بعدها بسحب (4) نسخ مجلدة رسمية تسلم نسخة مع قرص الى مكتب المعاون العلمي ونسخة مع قرص الى المكتبة المركزية ونسختين مع قرصين الى مكتبة القسم .
  • يقوم الطالب بعدها باجراءات براءة الذمة لغرض عرض اكمال متطلبات نيل الشهاة على مجلس القسم لرفعها الى قسم الدراسات العليا للتوصية بمنحه شهادة الدكتوراه.

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