Sunday, 11 March 2018 08:57


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  1. The president of University of Technology / Prof. Dr. Amin Daway thamir, grants a book of thanks to Hwazen Salame Fadhal, number 138/9 in 28/1/2018, to her efforts to complete master degree requirement within limited period.
  2. The president of University of Technology / Dr. Amin Dawaythamir, grants a book of thanks number144/9 in 29/1/2018 to: Prof Dr. Saad Badry Hasson Farid, Asst. Prof. Dr. Sohama Essa saleh, & Asst. Prof Dr. Jawad K.Oleiwi, they are teachers in Department of Materials Eng.  As their efforts of supervising the students of higher studies, which assisted students in completing studies requirements within the limited period.
  3. The president of University of Technology /Prof. Dr. Amin Daway Thamir, grants a book of thanks to, Asst. Prof Dr. Akram Rheem. Jabr, and Asst. Prof Dr. Aseel Basem Abed-Hamead, Assist Prof Dr. Kadeem Mttar  Shebeab, as their efforts of supervising the students of higher studies, which assisted students in completing studies requirements within the limited period.

Last modified on Thursday, 31 January 2019 12:19